Air Jordan XXXVIII "Fundamental" Basketball Shoes Black, white and red. What is it about this color combination that hits so hard? Maybe it’s in our DNA—they’re the first three colors babies can see, after all. Maybe it’s the iconic connection to Jordan Brand heritage, as close to a bloodline as a colorway can get. Or maybe they just look really good together.
Court Mobility Quick cuts, speedy sprints and all-over court control—that's what you want. It's the low-to-the-court Zoom Strobel Air unit that helps you achieve it. Strength Security The embroidery in the upper is designed to help you feel extra secure while criss-crossing the court. Your skills, plus supportive, lightweight mesh? A winning combo. Heritage Details Baked right into the shoe's design are shoutouts to MJ's legendary '93 season. Crosshatches, chevrons and lines of ribbing on one shoe represent his points, assists and rebounds per game. Fabric details on the other nod to the 57-25 season record—and MJ's third consecutive championship. Waste Not, Want Not The last thing we need is more waste. A special Move to Zero box gives you the bells and whistles of commemorative packaging without the extra trash.